Introducing our Committee
What is an RDA Committee?
Regional Development Australia Committees are locally managed, non-profit, community-based organisations jointly funded by the Australian and State Governments. The Committee is made up of a Chair, Deputy Chair and several ordinary members, with typical committee sizes varying from 6-8 members.
The RDA is a national network of 50 committees across Australia's capital cities and regions, including the Indian Ocean Territories, Norfolk Island and Jervis Bay Territory
What is the purpose of RDA Pilbara?
Our committee is committed to developing and growing the Pilbara region by engaging in the following activities:
Consult and engage with the community on economic, social, cultural and environmental issues, solutions and priorities
Liaise with governments and local communities about government programmes, services, grants and initiatives for regional development
Support informed regional planning
Contribute to business growth plans and investment strategies, environmental solutions and social inclusion strategies in their region
Nerida is an experienced Leader and Manager, having worked for over 20 years in Resources, Education, Finance and Marine Services. She is passionate about creating inclusive teams and empowering individuals to meet organisational goals. She has served on a number of Boards and Committees and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Nerida’s work experience across the Pilbara, in both business and not-for-profit areas is exceptional. She has had senior roles on some of the country’s largest projects and has been a Councillor at the City of Karratha, Bank Manager and Project & Administration Manager on major developments.
Nerida is an intelligent, committed leader with substantial business experience and exceptional knowledge of the Pilbara. She is well able to clearly articulate the key issues facing the region and will provide excellent advice and leadership.

Acting Deputy Chair
Peter is a widely experienced company director, business initiator, manager and community development enthusiast. He has lived in the north-west of Western Australia for over 35 years and was Mayor of the City of Karratha for a decade, completing his service in 2023.
He started a professional engineering and environmental consultancy in 1985, which grew to some 100 staff, with offices in Karratha, Perth and Margaret River. Prior to coming to Karratha, he worked on major resource projects in Australia, NZ, South Africa, Europe and Saudi Arabia. He has lived and travelled in the UK, USA, India and South-East Asia.
Peter holds directorships on a range of organisations including the CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Rangelands NRM, Pilbara Kimberley Universities Centre and the North West Defence Alliance.
Committee Member
John has lived and worked in the Pilbara region for 30 years and has wide leadership experience in Not For Profit Organisations, Education, small business and Local Government. He has 10 years' experience in local government as Councillor and Deputy Mayor as well as the Chief Executive Officer of Karratha and Districts Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KDCCI).
John was a member of the Pilbara Regional Council, Joint Pilbara Assessment Panel, Governing Council North Regional TAFE and Chairperson for the Australian China Business Council (Pilbara). He was also the chair of Karratha Senior High School and Pegs Creek Primary School.
John has been actively involved in the local community and is passionate about working on issues facing the Pilbara community and increasing the participation of local businesses in resource Industry across the Pilbara.
Committee Member
Chantelle is the CEO to the Onslow Chamber of Commerce & Industry and has developed effective ways to manage and grow the organisation. This role has allowed Chantelle to represent and champion the needs of the local Onslow businesses and her love for the Onslow community has often driven her to go above and beyond the usual Chamber role.
Chantelle has been a living member of the Onslow community for over 9 years, laying down roots and connections for her family. Having a family in Onslow has given her a new and different perspective, and now more than ever, Chantelle values the importance of community connection.
Chantelle says that over the years it has been a privilege to articulate the challenges and opportunities facing Onslow to a broad range of stakeholders, making sure that local business gets the support it needs to survive and thrive.

Committee Member
Mark is Pilbara raised with 20 years of professional resources industry experience across offshore, onshore, mining, renewables and petrochemical processes. Mark has a deep understanding of local businesses in the Pilbara region and focus' on strong leadership, change advocacy, innovation and a desire to seek and deliver solutions to challenging problems.
He is currently the Government and External Relations Adviser with major downstream processor for Yara Pilbara located in Karratha. A key focus of his role is developing collaborative opportunities with traditional owner groups, the local community and Government organisations.
With a strong interest in science, technology and innovation, Mark is also the co-founder of a marine rehabilitation company. Mark loves the Pilbara lifestyle and is an active contributor to community organisations.
Committee Member
Robby Chibawe is Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service, serving the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in Newman and the four remote communities of Jigalong, Parnngurr, Punmu and Kunawarritji.
His leadership style includes a commitment to teamwork and collaboration, and a passionate belief that identifying and working towards a common purpose can create positive change in the community. In 2021, he was awarded Leader of the Year in the Not-for-Profit Sector by the Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) for his role in delivering enhanced outcomes for the community.
Robby is a community leader who strongly believes in addressing the social determinants of Health (Upstream) in promoting better health outcomes for the First Nations people of East Pilbara.
Committee Member
Ryley is an experienced economic development professional with strong expertise in regional tourism development, digital marketing and economic diversification. Through his role at the Town of Port Hedland as Senior Economic Development Officer, Ryley is focused on working collaboratively with the government, industry and community stakeholders to improving liveability and economic growth across the Hedland community.
Ryley holds a Master of Tourism, Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing), Grad. Cert. in Data Science and is studying towards a Master of Economics. In 2020, Ryley was awarded the Economic Development Rising Star Leadership Award by EDA for outstanding achievement by a young, emerging leader in the economic development profession.
With a passion for promoting and facilitating sustainable economic development, Ryley is dedicated to fostering equitable prosperity throughout the Pilbara through innovation, collaboration and a deep understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of the Pilbara region.
Committee Member
Sean-Paul is a leader and CEO with expertise in social impact, cultural heritage management, social enterprise and community development practice. Sean-Paul is the CEO of Traditional Owner organisation, the Ngarluma Yindjibarndi Foundation Ltd (NYFL) Group. NYFL delivers a suite of social impact initiatives and advocates for equitable social, economic and cultural outcomes for the community. He is a Director on a commercially focussed social enterprise that supports Elders and vulnerable people across the west Pilbara.
Prior to being appointed NYFL CEO, Sean-Paul was the First Nations Engagement Lead at a global energy company. He has held leadership roles with Native Title entities and statutory authorities. As a qualified archaeologist, he has worked for T.O organisations across WA, NT and Victoria. Sean-Paul holds an Honours Degree in Indigenous Social Justice and Archaeology and is completing a MBA specialising in Social Impact.
Sean-Paul is passionate about self-determination for First Nations communities, sustainability and is committed to driving shared prosperity across regional Australia.